Our general responsibility for the protection of the environment and environmental management are an integral part of our company policy.We are aware of the fact that our activities affect the environment. Therefore, it is our obligation to minimize these effects as far as possible within the scope of our economic and technological possibilities and based on well thought-out processes. Our company registers and analyzes our operational processes and activities that affect the environment.
Our responsibility for the protection of the environment and the management of resources requires determining and evaluating our significant environmental aspects, achieving our environmental objectives, implementing our environmental programs, and monitoring all of this based on measurable characteristics. This information base allows us to determine the key factors.
For us, it goes without saying that the legal and regulatory requirements as well as other environmental interests and the demands we place on environmental protection ourselves have to be met and – where possible – outperformed.
We take ecological and social sustainability into account, even when purchasing external products and services. Among other things, the company uses environmentally friendly office supplies and energy-efficient computers.
Each and every staff member is involved in our environmental management, having the right and the obligation to work towards eliminating circumstances that place unnecessary strains on the environment. We support environmentally conscious behaviors of our employees, both inside and outside of our company, with information and training.