MSM Markier-Sensor-Systeme GmbH – We Are Pioneers of Marking Technology
Far more than 1000 customers around the world trust our competence to obtain the optimum marking system for their individual applications. Based on a constructive dialog and the identification of the possibilities within the realms of marking technology and the individual development of the project, we apply our know-how to achieve a common goal: to provide you with the right marking technology for you.
MSM Markier-Sensor-Systeme GmbH was founded 1991. Since then, the growing importance of marking technology has become particularly evident in light of the interlinked industrial structures as well the high degree of automation and quality control during production. The change brought on by computer-driven industrial operations in manufacturing processes had led to the ongoing development of sensor systems as well as the associated documentation and control using the corresponding marking systems. Because of the development of new materials and more complex manufacturing processes, markings have also been subject to constant progress in relation to the requirements placed on marking technology.
As your engineering partner, we will work alongside you to develop the right marking system for you under real conditions. Our core capabilities are the development and manufacturing of marking systems, marking fluids, and optical sensors. Years of experience, a strong market presence, and our high manufacturing depth in relation to our company's size are what makes us stand out. In our company, we combine a high degree of expertise to guarantee first-rate quality.
We have specifically turned the complexity of MSM's products into standards that will convince you. Our central task in our joint projects is to increase the efficiency of your production processes while making optimal use of our marking devices, label systems and the marking fluids and optical sensors we develop.